Twitter potrebbe diventare a pagamento

Ebbene Twitter potrebbe diventare a pagamento, ovviamente non per tutti ci mancherebbe.

L’azienda americana sta studiando un nuovo servizio in abbonamento che permetterà ad organizzazioni, power users e brand importanti di avere una serie strumenti in più per poter gestire al meglio tutta la parte di analisi dei dati. Le novità non andrebbero però a vedersi su, ma su Tweetdeck cioè il servizio acquisito dalla stessa Twitter e che ormai funziona solamente su desktop.

Twitter is considering offering an advanced TweetDeck experience, with more powerful tools to help marketers, journalists, professionals, and others in our community find out what is happening in the world quicker, to gain more insights, and see the broadest range of what people are saying on Twitter. Whether you use Twitter for work or just want to be more informed on the latest news, sports, entertainment, political viewpoints, and information in today’s world, this advanced TweetDeck experience will be designed to help you get even more out of Twitter.

This premium tool set will provide valuable viewing, posting, and signaling tools like alerts, trends and activity analysis, advanced analytics, and composing and posting tools all in one customizable dashboard. It will be designed to make it easier than ever to keep up with multiple interests, grow your audience, and see even more great content and information in real-time.

It would also offer extra features such as advanced audience insights & analytics, tools to monitor multiple timelines from multiple accounts and from multiple devices, including mobile, all in an ad-free experience.”

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